Gremline la adapostul Glina, 2006/ Gremline at Glina shelter, 2006

Gremline la adapostul Glina, 2006/ Gremline at Glina shelter, 2006

marți, 3 mai 2011

Mesaj de la Anda Murgu- va rugam un banut de impartit la 3 adaposturi :-(... Message from Anda Murgu: please chip in a penny to divide among 3 shelters :-(...

'In Romania the animals situation is extremly serious and we are few people that have putted at the animals disposal our own yards and lives for these poor souls. But we need help, we need food for these animals. Please, help us, with anything you can. With these money we will buy food for dogs and cats. Thank you!'

Adrian si Simona Catana - Prahova shelter

Mihaela - Prahova shelter

Anda Murgu - Suflete dragi shelter

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