A Dog's potential http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/05/04/war_dog?page=0,0

Basescu's potential
(Photo courtesy of Vlad)
Vlad comenteaza: "IMPUSCAREA câinilor pe strazile din Bucuresti a fost un incident extrem de rar,
înainte ca PRIMARUL Traian Basescu sa faca din cruzime POLITICA OFICIALA a AUTORITATILOR ! (in poza: Gurita, care a supravietuit in mod miraculos de cind a fost impuscat in 2001!)
înainte ca PRIMARUL Traian Basescu sa faca din cruzime POLITICA OFICIALA a AUTORITATILOR ! (in poza: Gurita, care a supravietuit in mod miraculos de cind a fost impuscat in 2001!)
DOAR un caz, ca rezultat al exemplului de violenta afisata de catre PRIMARUL Basescu Traian si acoperit la modul cel mai oribil de catre autoritatile romane: mai multe persoane ramase neidentificate au intrat prin forta in domiciliul unei persoane, batut o doamna (65ani) si ai ei 3 câini cu bate, apoi au aruncat câinii peste balcon! (Strada Foisorului, Bucuresti, 2001). Toti câinii au murit; femeia a fost spitalizata, in stare grava, si nu s-a mai recuperat nici macar dpdv fizic complet, pana la moartea sa!"
Vlad comments: " The RANDOM, OPEN-VIEW SHOOTING of dogs on the streets of Bucharest used to be a very rarely heard of, virtually unexistent incident BEFORE Mayor Basescu (Romania's current president, n.a) made extreme cruelty THE OFFICIAL POLICY OF THE AUTHORITIES!
The picture above shows Little Mouth, a doggie that has miraculously survived since being shot back in 2001.
JUST ONE INCIDENT of COUNTLESS arising as a direct result of the example of extreme violence Mayor Traian Basescu set:
Foisorului Street, Bucharest, 2001. Several perpetrators (allegedly neigbours) armed with clubs forced their way into the residence of a 65-year-old lady that was living alone with 3 animals rescued from the streets. They clubbed her and her 3 dogs to near death, after which they threw the still living dogs over the balcony of the apartment. All the dogs died. The lady was hospitalized in a severe state and never completely recovered. She has since passed away.
The Romanian authorities covered up the incident and the criminals were never punished or identified in public.
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