Gremline la adapostul Glina, 2006/ Gremline at Glina shelter, 2006

Gremline la adapostul Glina, 2006/ Gremline at Glina shelter, 2006

marți, 17 mai 2011

Muttadoptathon: Adoptati un Maidanez de la distanta!/ Adopt a Romanian Mutt from a distance!-50 euro a month

Refugiul 'Maidanezii Romaniei' are 18 caini si 12 pisici care pot fi adoptati de la distanta si cativa pui de caine si pisica pentru adoptie 'adevarata'. :-)

Toti maidanezii corciti din adapostul 'Maidanezii Romaniei' sunt sterilizati, prin urmare puii au ajuns la noi in mod neasteptat- atarnati in pungi de plastic pe gardul nostru de sarma de catre taranii din partea locului. Mihaela i-a crescut cu biberonul si acum sunt gata sa devina prietenii devotati ai unor oameni norocosi doritori sa ii adopte. :-)

Vom prezenta alternativ catei si pisici pentru adoptie la distanta si pentru adoptie 'adevarata'.

Mihaela ingrijeste toate corciturile de la 'Maidanezii Romaniei' cu mare drag si pe cat de bine poate, avind in vedere situatia. :-(
Totusi, a fi adoptat de la distanta inseamna un lucru grozav pentru un caine/o pisica deoarece:
 - se va bucura de hrana mai buna, cu mai multa proteina
-va putea beneficia de ingrijiri medicale (vaccinuri, deparazitari, vitamine, ingrijiri si medicamente speciale daca este cazul)
-se va bucura de mai multa atentie personalizata si de mai mult timp de joaca cu stapanii sai, deoarece acestia vor munci mai putin peste program :-)

In plus, veti putea vizita adapostul 'Maidanezii Romaniei' pentru a va relationa cu protejatul Dvs. si veti putea telefona oricand pentru a afla vesti despre acesta! Veti primi des fotografii prin e-mail, vi se vor povesti faptele lui si veti fi pus la curent cu progresul micului Dvs. protejat canin/felin. :-)
In general, vom face tot posibilul sa va simtiti la fel de legat de animalul Dvs. adoptat de la distanta ca si cum acesta ar locui cu Dvs.!

Primul care isi cauta 'stapan de la distanta' este Trip, prescurtare de la Tripod, un baiat norocos care a supravietuit cateva saptamani cu piciorul strivit, pana a fost gasit de Mihaela si dus la doctor pentru operatie. Trip este foarte gelos si posesiv si nu suporta sa vada cum i se acorda atentie unui alt caine in prezenta lui. Inca facem cercetari, dar avem impresia ca e nascut in zodia Scorpionului! :-)

'Mutts of Romania' has 18 dogs and 12 cats that are in need of being adopted from a distance and several puppies and cats/kittens that are in need of being adopted with capital A, that is in need of permanent homes.

All the Mutts at 'Mutts of Romania' were sterilised, therefore the puppies and the kittens are unexpected additions- tiny newborn animals put in plastic bags and left hanging on our metallic railings by certain people of the village eager to get rid of them. Mihaela bottle-fed and raised them and they are now ready for adoption.

We shall alternately list dogs and cats available to be adopted from a distance and puppies and kittens ready to go to a permanent home.

Mihaela takes care of all the 'Mutts of Romania' dogs and cats as best she can under the circumstances. However, for a dog or cat to be adopted from a distance it is great because:

-it will enjoy better food with more protein
-it will have medical care available
-it will enjoy more playtime with its human companions and more attention from them, since the latter will be able to cut the hours of overtime work proportionately

In addition, you will be able to arrange visits to the 'Mutts of Romania' shelter and you will be able to call anytime to inquire about your canine/feline protege(e). You will receive frequent pictures, stories and updates on the progress of your protege(e) and you will feel a connection between you and the animal you support similar to the connection you would have would the animal actually live in your house!

The very first one that is looking to be adopted from a distance is Trip, short name for Tripod, a lucky boy that survived several weeks with a crushed leg before he was found by Mihaela and taken in for surgery. Trip is a jealous guy, very possessive, and he can't stand to see another dog being paid attention in his presence. We are still investigating, but we believe he must have been born under the sign of the Scorpio! :-)

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