(courtesy Iliuta Goean)

(Courtesy Marin Raica)
(Courtesy Vier Pfoten Romania)
The Letea wild horses- a trip from freedom and beauty to ignoble disdain and slaughter...
...the horses of Letea forest, strewn like pearls on a landscape to the uniqueness of which they so greatly contributed, brutally captured, shoved and pierced with clubs and sticks, loaded onto slaughterhouse trucks, set on the way, diverted and -finally- now stranded on a farm at the back of nowhere, uprooted, fearful, wounded, traumatised and emaciated...
Singura comparatie pentru aceasta imbecilitate zadarnica este cea cu pescarii din Gaza, care, capturind o specie rarissima de testoasa gigantica pe care israelienii se straduiau sa o protejeze, i-au taiat gatul cu cutitul in fata copiilor locului chiar pe plaja, la doar cateva minute de la captura.
Noi si cei din Gaza- populatii primitive, incrancenate, complet indiferente si nemilostive fata de specii lipsite de aparare, imposibil de convins ca trebuie sa ne impartim habitatul cu altii, sau macar ca nu sta in puterea noastra sa punem stapanire pe habitate unde oricum nu putem respira si care nu ne duc dorul- spre exemplu marea...
We and the Gazans- primitive, hardened populations, completely indifferent and merciless towards defenseless species, impossible to convince that we should share our living space with others, or at least that it should not be up to us to set straight habitats where we cannot breathe and where we are not missed- the sea, for example...
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